Liposuction – Inflicting a Positive Transformation to Your Body

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Often, weight loss exercises and techniques are not enough to remove the accumulated fat. In a few cases of obesity, it even becomes impossible to bring any change to the body. Liposuction comes as the final solution to get rid of excess fat lying under the skin under such circumstances. Liposuction is an effective method today to get rid of the excess fat. It works on all types of bodies and gives way to satisfying results.

Surgeons perform Liposuction on various body parts as mentioned below, to give them a better and a more appealing shape.

  • Abdomen:

During the surgery, lower and upper abdomen, both need adequate attention for a perfect toned body. In case of the lower abdomen, liposuction is often accompanied with the tummy tuck for better shape.

  • Chest:

While men can opt for gynaecomastia or make breast reduction procedure, women can go for breast reduction surgery or breast uplift procedure.

  • Buttocks:

Their size can be reduced to make it proportionate to your overall body type and figure.

  • Waist:

This area is difficult to reach by exercising and other methods. Liposuction can take care of it effectively.

  • Neckline:

Some people have double chin and extra fat around the neck that aches the neck. Liposuction is an effective tool for its treatment as the neckline is an extremely important part of your appearance.

  • Thighs:

Slimmer thighs are a coveted wish of every woman. They want a desired gap between the legs for a better look. Doctors take care of the curvature of inner and outer thighs before liposuction to make sure they look the way the patient wants.

  • Upper arms:

With age, the skin starts sagging with the fat in it. Liposuction, combined with an uplift procedure can bring a toned arm for a better look.
With liposuction, you can get a toned body. It will help you acquire a figure that you desire to feel comfortable and confident in front of others. Doctors recommend that liposuction is best for those who have flexible skin. Although, it may accompany several risks, still the satisfying results of liposuction make it worthwhile.

Who can undergo liposuction?

Any person above the age of 18 is a suitable candidate for liposuction provided that they are not suffering from a medical condition. In case of any pre-existing health problem, undergoing a surgical procedure might be life threatening. Apart from that, anyone who is ready to live a healthy life by changing his lifestyle can opt for this procedure. People who are determined to remove the accumulated weight and maintain a healthy body can undergo liposuction. Doctors recommend liposuction for people who possess flexible skin. After liposuction, the fat inside the skin is removed but skin loosens so the flexible skin recovers faster.

Precautions before the surgery

Doctor will conduct a thorough examination of your body to make sure that you are fit for the procedure.

You will need to give up smoking and consuming alcohol before a few weeks of procedure so that your body does not contain any intoxicants.

Moreover, it is advisable that the patient lose some weight by exercising as much as possible for better results.

Conditions that can find resolution with Liposuction

The liposuction procedure not only provides you a better appearance but also a healthy body that you will endure after the surgery. It removes fat and leads to medical benefits that are far fetched in normal conditions. Here are some of the medical conditions that it can take care of.

  • Lymphedema:

This is a condition in which the limbs swell and secrete a liquid called lymph that has to be drained. It gets collected in the tissues, swells and causes a lot of pain whereas with liposuction, excess fat can be removed which will give some relief to the patient.

  • Lipomas:

It is a fatty lump that grows beneath the skin between the tissues and muscles. Usually they do not cause any functional problems but they can be cancerous and might need a surgical procedure if they cause pain and grow bigger. Liposuction is one way to treat it.

  • Lipodystrophy syndrome:

Liposuction can help treat this syndrome by providing a better body shape to the person. In this syndrome, fat is accumulated in various parts of the body and it is difficult to bring a significant change with medication and exercise.

  • Long lasting results:

You can consider the results of the liposuction procedure permanent as you are going to endure these changes lifelong. But to enjoy the results for a long time, focusing on diet and daily activities is essential.
Relief from pain: People with accumulated fat feel fatigue early and find it difficult to perform the daily activities. They feel pressure on the torso due to weight and suffer with neck pain, back pain, shoulder pain etc. Liposuction helps you get rid of all this upper body pain.

  • Reduces cholesterol level:

It reduces the amount of cholesterol and cellulite in your body. It will also reduce the risk of diabetes type 2 in those who are suffering from obesity.

  • Gynaecomastia:

Liposuction method is induced with breast reduction surgery to remove the extra fat in men. Gynaecomastia is a condition of male breast enlargement, which can find satisfying resolution with this surgical procedure.

Post surgery results

After the procedure, you will feel the results in a few days and they will get better only with time. You can maintain the results as long as you want by keeping a healthy and disciplined diet, making exercising a part of your life and sustaining your daily activities. If you want your body to remain healthy without any drastic change in weight, adopting a healthy lifestyle is important.

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